Wednesday 15 October 2008

Wednesday 15th October

As i missed yesterdays lesson i needed to catch up on the work that my other classmates did. They had started using Flash and as i have never used Flash before this would have been a useful lesson.

When starting to use photoshop i got a task sheet for flash in which i needed to make a mini clip about the weather, this was hard to use at the beginning as i needed to get confident with using the different functions that was availiable on Flash.

as i did one symbol i found it easier to do the other symbols. The task is useful as it was teaching me how to create movie clips in Flash by setting the icon at different positions and also adding keys which is what they are called to pin point certain points in the movement of the creation of movie clips.

this took quite a while to produce as i have never used Flash before, I thought this was quite a long process as i dont normally create movie clips like that. this was the program that i am going to create my product in and therefore i need to start learning the different functions.

In the next lesson we started looking

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