Wednesday 5 November 2008

Tuesday 21st October

Today was when we first started to use adobe photoshop to design potential frames for the story. it was a useful lesson as we could all get used the different functions that we could use when designing the final design.

After designing a frame and adding buttons, this took us quite a while and at the end we all got the chance to look at the rest of the classes work so that we could analyse the good and bad points of the frame. this really helped with the designing as I got told what i could improve from a viewers position and what the frame looks like visually.

The most useful part of the lesson was the feedback, this was so that i could then improve my frame if i designed it again.

This is my frame that I designed, it was only a sample so that we could get used to designing frames on photoshop and were able to get feedback.

The points that were made for improvement were the buttons on the top right hand side which are shaped like footballs with the text on, werent that visible and would be hard to see, the alternative option suggested was to use arrows as this would clearly label the buttons.

From the lesson and looking at the other frames people had design made me want to design a new more simple frame which could be more clear in where the buttons were.

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