Wednesday 11 March 2009

Critical Path Analysis

Briefly used as CPA. CPA is another way of planning and managing tasks within a project, CPA allows you to monitor the project by minimising the project names under more simple steps, unlike the Gantt chart a CPA formally identifies the taks that must be completed on time for the whole project to be delivered on schedule. it also shows the tasks that can be dealyed if there are any resource problems.
For this project i have used both ways of planning the project, using a CPA is in comparison with the Gantt chart more formal and easy to view, although on first glance at using CPA the task list from the gantt chart went from about 60 to 8. This took alot of explaining to work out the reasons why the CPA had minimised all of the tasks.
With the CPA it did take alot of understanding as to the layout, as a table assisted the diagram.
Learning about the CPA process of planning has broadened my ict skills, as a CPA diagram would only be understood if studying them, i can bring this knowledge to other areas in which it may be useful.

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